Hot Stone Massage Certification - Approved Provider

Get started with full certification and CEU level courses taught by board certified instructors. Learn from the comfort of your home with our E-Learning Hot Stone Massage certification courses.

Stone Healing is a NCBTMB Approved Provider and Florida Massage CEU Approved Provider. Learn the latest techniques for Hot Stone Massage by Certified Instructors. We offer many levels of certification and also offer training Hot Stone Pet Therapy. Sign up today to get started!

We offer a wide variety of books and products that will aid you in your Hot Stone Massage training. please browse through our offerings. We love to hear from our clients, please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
View Courses
HUMAN TRAFFICKING EDUCATION The Hidden Crime This course is designed as an introduction to Human Trafficking (both labor and sex
Zone Energy Therapy (16 CE)
We would like to introduce to you the Zone Energy Therapy Certification program.
Dog Stone Massage Level I (16 CE)
NCBTMB Certified
The ancient art of natural healing is slowly becoming a real science and is beginning to find a home among caregivers of pets worldwide. Due to the ever-growing popularity of alternative modalities, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, stone massage modalities, etc. numerous veterinary facilities and other pet related service industries such as four and five star resorts are seeking qualified staff. This course can be your first step in expanding your educational foundation to cater to the growing needs of the integrated approaches to pet health care.
Spanish Stone Massage Level 1 (16 CE)
Le invitamos a que tome este programa premiado del Curso Cognoscitivo electrónico para Certificación y aprenda de manera exitosa a realizar el Masaje con Piedras, Nivel I. Al estudiar a su paso en la comodidad de su hogar, aprenderá las dieciséis (16) Unidades continuas de Estudio. Como terapeuta certificado usted será un candidato apto para recibir la certificación Nacional o Internacional.
Stone Massage and Chakra Balancing Level II (24 CE)
The Stone Massage level 2 course features 7 chakra rotations included in this advanced treatment. NCB, TMB continuing education provider
Due to the ever-growing popularity of Stone Massage, numerous facilities now require all staff to have proper stone massage certification. We highly recommend taking the introductory Stone Massage – Level I class first, but it is not a prerequisite.
Stone Massage Level I (16 CE)
We invite you to take this award-winning Cognitive e-Course Certification program and learn how to successfully administer Stone Massage – Level I.
As you study at your own pace in the comfort of your own home, you will earn sixteen (16) Continuing Education Units. As a licensed Massage Therapist you will be able to receive National certification.
Stone Facial Massage Level I (16 CE)
This is one of the most comprehensive Stone Massage Facial – Level I Cognitive e-Course for Certification available anywhere, and through it you will learn how to administer an effective, relaxing facial for your clients which they would truly appreciate.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING EDUCATION The Hidden Crime This course is designed as an introduction to Human Trafficking (both labor and sex
Book Dog Stone Massage Education
Everything you need to know so your precious dog can live a holistic pain-free life. Ancient art of natural healing is becoming a real science and is being adapted into health care on a global basis.
Blue Sodalite Charm
Healing Dog Stone Not only humans but for precious pets aswell can benefit greatly from the power of these special stones. Blue Sodalite aids in providing direction of purpose, and mutual dependence, also recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Pouch included
Rose Quartz Attunement Wand
This means that it can be used for specific tasks, such as directing healing energy to designated points on the body
Chakra Balancing Stone Set (7)
They can remove blockages, & neutralize negative energy, they also are very useful in rebalancing the chakras. Pouch included.
Dog Stone Massage Home Study (16 CE)
NCBTMB Certified
Course Description:
- This course is tailored to teaching you the proper techniques of Stone Massage as it applies to enhancing the health of pets.
- Includes clear step-by-step instructions for Dog Stone Massage, acupressure of trigger points, dietary information, flower essences therapy, and much more.
- Presents variations in stone placement, stone sizes, and energy balancing
- Introduction to hands-on techniques
- The step-by-step professional video demonstration simulates a complete stone therapy treatment on a dog, as well as how to use the healing pet charms.
The $139.00 tuition includes everything you will need to begin offering this advanced therapy.
Zone Energy Therapy Home Study (16 CE)
A National & International Certification Course
Art Of Healing Home Study (5 CE)
This is a comprehensive guide to how stone massage began and evolved. Read, learn and earn 5 CE Credits
Our Stone Massage Home Study course is accepted and approved by the NCBTMB, AMTA and ABMP.
Stone Massage and Chakra Balancing Level II Home Study (24 CE)
The Stone Massage level 2 course features 7 chakra rotations included in this advanced treatment. NCBTMB continuing education provider
This course was designed to keep you on the leading edge of Stone Therapy, taking Stone Massage to the next level in a clear and safe manner. This course allows you to study in the convenience of your own home so you can study when it’s most convenient for you.
The Pink Rose Quartz Attunement Wand
Chakra Stone Set (7)
Stone Massage Level I Home Study (16CE)
Learn Stone Massage Therapy with our award-winning home study course
Fitzpatrick Classification Chart Downloadable Version
Important guidelines on how patient particular skin type respond to heat application and fermentation.
The Stone Spa Ritual Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to create a unique massage ritual using the five elements.
Offering a unique approach to the traditional massage experience.
The 7 Chakra Chart
Combining the best of Eastern and Western holistic remedies to re rotate and balance all 7 chakras in both male and female. Each Chakra has a distinct purpose and unites interconnected gemstones, colors, oils, and locations to restore and rejuvenate overall health. The re-balancing effect is proven and undeniable – learn more today!
Book Dog Stone Massage Education
Everything you need to know so your precious dog can live a holistic pain-free life. Ancient art of natural healing is becoming a real science and is being adapted into health care on a global basis.
Blue Sodalite Charm
Healing Dog Stone Not only humans but for precious pets aswell can benefit greatly from the power of these special stones. Blue Sodalite aids in providing direction of purpose, and mutual dependence, also recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Pouch included
Rose Quartz Attunement Wand
This means that it can be used for specific tasks, such as directing healing energy to designated points on the body
Chakra Balancing Stone Set (7)
They can remove blockages, & neutralize negative energy, they also are very useful in rebalancing the chakras. Pouch included.
Healing Meditation for Pets and their People
A guided meditation designed for a healing and calming experience. Enjoy the powerful benefits of mindful meditation with your pet.
Image Healing Meditation CD Helping Manifest Your Desires
Helping you manifest your deepest desires. Experience the true benefits of mindful meditation.
Masaje con piedras nivel I – Learning System
De pies a cabeza, paso a paso, visualmente yverbalmente desde el pionero, Sonia Alexandra. Longitud: 35 minutos
Doggie Stone Massage – Learning System
This step by step course is easy to follow, it demonstrates how to incorporate special warm stone’s with massage to enhance your pets own body’s natural healing process, they will be howling for more. Length 35 minutes
Zone Energy Therapy – Learning System
The foot and lower leg are compressed and rocked to clear stagnant energy, the client is seated and clothed, the overall effect is deep rejuvenation. Length 30 minutes
The Stone Pedicure and Manicure – Learning System
Luxury nail care, this video demonstrates everything you need to know, on how to give a fantastic stone pedicure or manicure treatment.
The Stone Massage Facial – Learning System
This is a wonderful anti- aging treatment! Length 35 minutes
Stone Massage level II – Learning System
Relaxing the body at its deepest level, restore harmony, combining ancient and contemporary technique with expert knowledge, a step by step demonstration by the course pioneer.. Length 75 minutes
Stone Massage level I – Learning System
From head to toe, step by step, visually as well as verbally from the pioneer Length 35 minutes
Healing Chakra Meditation
Indulge in an extra ordinary experience with this guided 30 min. meditation as it takes you gently to a deeper level of relaxation.
The Art of Stone Healing
The transformative & healing power of stone massage. Healing words, read all about it.
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Recertification NCBTMB
Massage therapy is one of the oldest and most widely accepted forms of holistic healing. Holistic medicine is an art as much as it is a science. It takes a dedicated and practiced practitioner to properly carry out the practice it orders to yield good results. Stone Healing’s founder, Sonia Alexandra, has described this moment of connection as a glimpse into the divine stating that “energy solidifies and creates the molecular restructure to the needed area of the body, assisting the body in its healing process… as healers we are just presenting the possibility, it is you and your body that reacts, scientific evidence is slowly emerging to verify what the healing community always knew, we can truly call it ancient wisdom.” Massage therapy is documented in texts that exceed four thousand years in age as a form of medicinal treatment. Stone healing was created in the hopes of helping massage therapists further their education regarding their chosen career path. Stone healing provides courses for any healers’ Recertification NCBTMB needs. We design our courses that meet the standards of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massages because we respect and value the work that they do in defining, raising, and upholding a caliber level within the industry.
Stone Healing contributed to the modification, improvement, and reintroduction of hot stone massage therapy. The practice of using heated stones has verbal and written documentation dating back around two-thousand years by the Chinese. The Chinese conducted the practice of heating stones because of the noted correlation to improved internal organ functionality. The use of stones in the practice of holistic healing and alternative therapies was documented in various other areas following the Chinese including:
- Africa
- Egypt
- Europe
- India.
- North America
- South America
There were various ways introduced into the general population for using stones for therapeutic purposes. Some of the techniques that were used included:
- Laying the stones in specific arrangements over the body
- carrying/wearing the stones for health and protection (spirituality related)
- Using stones for ceremonial purposes
- Heating of the stones for sweat lodges
Stone Healing has developed courses that are easily remote accessible a through tablets, smartphones, and mobile computers. Our courses provide you with knowledge and experience that our founder, Sonia Alexandra, has built through her years of practice and education. Our company was founded with the intention of spreading this highly effective technique to any and all interested massage therapists and holistic healers. The NCBTMB standards that we uphold with our courses ensure that once you complete any of the educational tools that we are offering you will be certified by a nationally recognized board. This helps your customers understand your commitment to professionalism and adeptness within the massage therapy profession.
Massage therapy is a career choice involving dedication, a nurturing attitude, and having a health-conscious interest. Stone healing is dedicated to providing a way for holistic healers like that Like Sonia Alexandra have a passion for the industry and a desire for continuing their education. Our central focus revolves around creating a network where massage therapists can turn to for continuing to grow their arsenal of techniques, practice proficiently, and gain certifications, overall respect, and recognition within the holistic healing community.
Recertification NCBTMB
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NCBTMB Recertification
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork was founded in 1992 with the purpose of defining, raising, and upholding standards within the industry of massage therapy and bodywork. The NCBTMB offers consumers of the industry a quick, accessible, and comprehensive way to distinguish between the various providers offering services. Most of the time if a consumer that is trying to make a choice between two individuals with similar practices they are much more likely to go with the board certified provider. NCBTMB recertification keeps you as the preferred choice for all your customers, including future ones. The standards for NCBTMB recertification will ensure that you are consistently up to date with the best techniques of your chosen profession.
Dexterity should be what you are striving for as a professional in any field. If you want to offer the best services available you have to constantly be pushing yourself to learn, master, relearn, and continue this pattern of growth. This idea is excellently illustrated by a quote on mastery by Philip Toshio Sudo “Maturity means learning the value of that which is hard-earned.” if you have a passion for what you do then you want to be able to demonstrate that passion through adroit proficiency. NCBTMB recertification will guarantee that you become not only more astute but also more comparatively zealous.
Stone Healing offers numerous courses that will engage your inner student so that you can learn the most advanced techniques currently available within our industry. Our courses are NCBTMB certified because we value their standards of practice and believe it they can help expertly propel us and our therapists looking to get licensed/relicensed forward. Some of our NCBTMB recertification course include:
- Stone Massage Level 1 – Home Study Course/ Electronic Course
- Stone Massage Level 2 – Home Study Course / Electronic Course
- Dog Stone Massage Level 1 – Home Study Course / Electronic Course
Stone Healing’s founder, Sonia Alexandra, is a committed holistic healer who established in order to share her expertise with other massage therapists and health conscious individuals alike. Our greatest attempt and mission is to fulfill the needs of wellness providers who seek anomalously adept courses, and a source for their continued provenance. Sonia Alexandra is not only offering NCBTMB recertification courses relating to stone massages, she developed and popularized the technique herself over two decades ago. Learn from the best and if you have been previously board certified don’t allow your NCBTMB recertification pass you by. Industry leaders are the individuals that are persistently seeking knowledge and remaining keen. Contact us today for any questions about our products, services, or NCBTMB recertification courses.
NCBTMB Recertification
We Are Mind Body Soul Practitioner
We Are Mind Body Soul Practitioner
We will tell you we are all about caring, hoping and making a difference in people” lives.
We will also tell you that most of us have experienced this strange phenomenon.
We can all recall where we were, and with whom, when we experienced this phenomenon for the very first time. An unfamiliar milieu for sure
We were introduced and called forth a higher consciousness, a higher linked transpersonal connection.
I referred to it the healing touch miracle long ago. It occurs between client and practitioner who have formed an emotional bond, and there is a need for physical healing
It enters the room calmly, a subtle energy form, a cool cloud, a higher intelligence form that I can only describe it as pure ether energy.
For thousands of years, information was shared about this connected consciousness. Healers, medicine men, shamans, enlightened practitioner possess and are, capable of quite capable inducing this state, as simple as breathing.
In my personal experience, I became aware that this energy solidifies and creates the molecular restructure to the needed area of the body, assisting the body in its healing process. I call it body intelligence, inner consciousness, as healers we are just presenting the possibility, it is you and your body that re- act, scientific evidence is slowly emerging to verify what the healing community always knew, we can truly call it ancient wisdom
Using the massage stone tapping procedure, in conjunction with the therapy seems to amplify this process, due to the Piezo Electric Effect, in the body’s electromagnetic field.
As a spiritually motivated therapist dedicated to many modalities including hot stone massage and healing, I am still in awe when it occurs, I can only humbly share this with the deepest respect.
Please let us hear from you and your personal experiences.
Sonia Alexandra LMT
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