Recertification NCBTMB
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Recertification NCBTMB, Stone Healing, Stone Massage, Sonia Alexandra, Energy Healing

Recertification NCBTMB

Massage therapy is one of the oldest and most widely accepted forms of holistic healing. Holistic medicine is an art as much as it is a science. It takes a dedicated and practiced practitioner to properly carry out the practice it orders to yield good results. Stone Healing’s founder, Sonia Alexandra, has described this moment of connection as a glimpse into the divine stating that  “energy solidifies and creates the molecular restructure to the needed area of the body, assisting the body in its healing process… as healers we are just presenting the possibility, it is you and your body that reacts, scientific evidence is slowly emerging to verify what the healing community always knew, we can truly call it ancient wisdom.” Massage therapy is documented in texts that exceed four thousand years in age as a form of medicinal treatment. Stone healing was created in the hopes of helping massage therapists further their education regarding their chosen career path. Stone healing provides courses for any healers’ Recertification NCBTMB needs. We design our courses that meet the standards of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massages because we respect and value the work that they do in defining, raising, and upholding a caliber level within the industry.

Stone Healing contributed to the modification, improvement, and reintroduction of hot stone massage therapy. The practice of using heated stones has verbal and written documentation dating back around two-thousand years by the Chinese. The Chinese conducted the practice of heating stones because of the noted correlation to improved internal organ functionality. The use of stones in the practice of holistic healing and alternative therapies was documented in various other areas following the Chinese including:

  • Africa
  • Egypt
  • Europe
  • India.
  • North America
  • South America

There were various ways introduced into the general population for using stones for therapeutic purposes. Some of the techniques that were used included:

  • Laying the stones in specific arrangements over the body
  • carrying/wearing the stones for health and protection (spirituality related)
  • Using stones for ceremonial purposes
  • Heating of the stones for sweat lodges

Stone Healing has developed courses that are easily remote accessible a through tablets, smartphones, and mobile computers. Our courses provide you with knowledge and experience that our founder, Sonia Alexandra, has built through her years of practice and education. Our company was founded with the intention of spreading this highly effective technique to any and all interested massage therapists and holistic healers. The NCBTMB standards that we uphold with our courses ensure that once you complete any of the educational tools that we are offering you will be certified by a nationally recognized board. This helps your customers understand your commitment to professionalism and adeptness within the massage therapy profession.

Massage therapy is a career choice involving dedication, a nurturing attitude, and having a health-conscious interest. Stone healing is dedicated to providing a way for holistic healers like that Like Sonia Alexandra have a passion for the industry and a desire for continuing their education. Our central focus revolves around creating a network where massage therapists can turn to for continuing to grow their arsenal of techniques, practice proficiently, and gain certifications, overall respect, and recognition within the holistic healing community.

Recertification NCBTMB

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NCBTMB Recertification



Stone Healing

Stone Massage

Stone Healing
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Stone Massage

Stone Healing

Stone healing is an absolutely incredible way to relax. This extremely effective healing treatment has become a favorite on every spa service menu in the world. Back in the late 20th-century massage therapy and day spas didn’t even exist in the U.S. The biggest issue was that most people were misinformed. The preconception of massage therapist was that all of them were these huge muscular Swedish men. This couldn’t be further from the actual truth. After much effort, the creator of Stone Massage was able to introduce this incredible form of healing.

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Stone Massage

Empowerment Through Education

Greetings my name is Sonia Alexandra, LMT and I am the founder of As the visionary, developer and author of the world-renowned stone massage concept for the spa and wellness industry. As a pioneer and leading authority in the expanding holistic health care field. I have spent over 30 years in the Spa, Clinical and Salon environments, as well as hands-on experience, beginning as a lifelong entrepreneur Massage Therapist, Aesthetic Practitioner, Holistic Spa Owner, Author, Lecturer and Workshop Facilitator, I have dedicated my life to educate others and share my vision on the benefits of massage and its many related therapies which of course includes stone massage therapy.

Continuing education is a vital element to our profession and our program meets your needs so you can satisfy your educational requirements. Whether you want to earn massage therapy continuing education credits for NCBTMB, AMTA, ABMP or your local state organization, I can facilitate your needs with our Stone Massage University programs.

I began my career with humble beginnings in an industry that was in its infancy so my journey was met with many challenges. I have achieved the goals I set for myself and much more. I would like now take the opportunity to give back to all of my colleagues and help them achieve success on whatever level they aspire to.  Be it as therapist, owner or spiritual teacher. I would like to utilize this blog as a helpful tool for all of us to share our insights, new developments and ideas for the betterment of the people, pets and planet.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Pet Stone Massage

Stone Massage Rocks Your Pet’s World in a Natural Way

Pet Stone Massage

Have you ever sat with your dog in your lap, and instinctively knew that something was bothering your pet?  And, wished that there was something that you could do, right then and there, to help it?

As one of the early pioneers of the health and wellness industry for both pets and their people, I am delighted to be able to offer you a way to obtain accurate and practical information to help your pet. This information is the culmination of my research and practical application of safe and effective methodologies of integrated health, where I, as a continuing education provider, have combined conventional treatments and holistic care.

Though these treatments were once considered to be in the realm of obscure alternative health methodologies, more and more people are turning to holistic therapies to help heal themselves and their pets.  A 2008 poll, conducted by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, shows that more than one-quarter of the American population is taking advantage of holistic therapies.

Massage and Stone Massage for your pets incorporates the holistic approach to health and well-being. These modalities primarily facilitate improvement, in such a way, that it does not interfere with its own body’s natural healing processes. As these therapies become more accepted, many insurance plans are now covering alternative treatments, including but not limited to, massage and acupuncture.

Now, I am available to answer your questions about how Massage, Stone Massage, and other related therapies; and how they can be applied to individual cases and situations.  From my own practical experience, I have used a variety of treatments for my own pets, as well as other animals, with considerable success.

Also, through my Stone Massage University, you have an opportunity to learn what you can do to help comfort your pet when it is experiencing difficulties from illness or old age.  As you feel more empowered, you are in a better position to be your pet’s health advocate both at home and at the veterinarian’s office.

With respect and gratitude,

Sonia Alexandra, LMT

Stone Massage University

Pet Wellness Coach

Personal Holistic Coach and Mentor

Healing the World One Stone at a Time

By: Sonia Alexandra

What's New

Healing the Heart Takes Courage

Over the years, one thing I have learned from those I have assisted in their healing – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – it takes time to heal old emotional wounds.  No matter what we achieve in life, if we are haunted by feelings of abandonment, rejection, or other traumas that we experienced early in life, we continue to question our abilities to be our authentic selves, personally and professionally.  And, if we don’t heal these personal wounds first, it is difficult to help others heal.

Many of the workshops I have facilitated, I have been amazed on how profoundly and how necessary it is to be aware of these early experiences and their affect upon ourselves. As I spoke about and touched upon the healing of one’s heart, most of those present dissolved into tears.

I don’t see these wounds in a negative sense, since emotional wounds happen to all of us.  I see them as opportunities to do what is necessary in order to recognize them for what they are and to find the inner strength and courage to heal them.  Of course, there are times where you may need to work with a professional to complete this healing process.

My own search of 38 years culminated last year when I finally found my father’s brother and his wife in Hungary.  My father had abandoned my family when I was two-years-old, never to be seen or heard from again. As I searched for links to my heritage, I encountered many dead-ends. I didn’t have any Internet resources that are readily available today.  Also, at that time, Hungary was under Russian domination, so there was little or no information available to the outside world.

I finally found you!

Everything changed in 2008 after I found Joseph Shumway, AG, a genealogist in Utah.  He was able, after a year-long search and with the help of his European associates, to locate my relatives — my aunt and uncle, both of whom are 85, now, and have been married for over 60 years.

Even though I attended self-discovery workshops and applied all the self-healing techniques that I read about in books, it wasn’t until I looked into their eyes on July 16th, 2009, in Debrecen, Hungary, did I feel that intimate connection to who I AM and my roots … and, at that moment, my soul and heart were healed.

I would like to encourage all those who want to learn about their true heritage, to follow their paths and, if they can, without expectations.  Be open to all possibilities to heal your emotional wounds that have held you back from being the person you are meant to be.

It personally transformed my life, and it is my hope and desire, that you will experience this joyful transformation as well.


Helpful Resources:

By: Sonia Alexandra


Stone Massage, What's New, Uncategorized

What’s New in Stone Massage

Monthly, there are thousands of new graduates all over the globe, and I would really like to give back to them through the educational capacity of Stone Massage University.  Because, when I first started back in the early 1970’s as an LMT, I was well aware of the power of touch, but I never set out to change the world. I only wanted establish a positive reputation and bolster the credibility of our industry by changing people’s perceptions of the actual benefits of massage.

It became my life’s work, and decades later, my deepest desire now is to be able to provide the latest information on how to facilitate the trans formative powers of massage, for both new and established practitioners, to the benefit their clients and their professional status.

I believe Stone Massage work is profoundly effective and changes how individual people respond on all levels – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As a continuing education provider and industry pioneer, I have spent the last three decades bringing together all the resources  to develop distance learning materials and online e-courses for you.  Now, you have one place that you can turn to and find the educational tools to help you to achieve your personal goals while maintaining your professional standing.  Under my guidance you will discover advancement opportunities you may not have imagined before this.

Whether you are an individual practitioner or a business owner responsible for a group of talented employees, you will find that Stone Massage University was designed to address the needs of the next generation of body work practitioners, so they can expand their horizons, both personally and professionally.  Please know that I am here to be your Personal Holistic Coach and Mentor.

  • Late in 2009, Massage Envy, a national massage franchise, to my delight has added Stone Massage to their service menu.
  • NCBTMB now offers practice exams online.
  • AMTA National Convention in 2009 had largest turn-out thus far, where they welcomed over 1,800 attendees.
  • Liability insurers are now requiring practitioners to be familiar with the Fitzpatrick Classification Scale of Skin Typing, for the application of Stone Massage, Hot Fomentations, Thai Balls, etc.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage, What's New

Work Smarter Not Harder

The Spa and Wellness Industry is evolving rapidly, contributing to its success is stone massage, and the fact that it can be incorporated into so many different modalities.

Whether through relaxation or more targeted services Stone Massage has been a popular item on service menus for the past decade and a half.


The average burnout time for a massage therapist is approximately five years.

I would like to point out to you that proper training in the correct use of body mechanics while performing massage treatments is of vital importance. Another important factor to consider is the energy protection procedures prior to offering any hands on treatment.

If not implemented properly prior to each treatment,  negative energies can permeate our energy field and  drain us physically as well as mentally, I have personally experienced & also witnessed this in therapists numerous times, this can also be an added factor to burnout, so please remember to protect yourself.


Profound tissue massage work, as well as Rolfing and other deep tissue modalities, certainly take a toll on our bodies, especially our back, shoulders, hands and thumbs, affecting your longevity factor as a practitioner


I highly recommend using stones as therapy and as a tool, to help facilitate your deeper modalities.

May I suggest finding the perfect stone as your tool for your deeper work, once you feel comfortable with its shape in your hand, the stone you selected should be able to be grasped easily, this will give you leverage you need in your deep tissue work, allowing the stone to absorb the pressure. For the practitioner this will greatly save your hands and help you avoid repetitive injuries.

When preparing the skin for deeper tissue work I always begin by placing warm stones on the area, this greatly helps in relaxing and prepares the tissue for deeper work. I find it to be very beneficial with great results and I hope you do to.

By: Sonia Alexandra

Stone Massage

Hot and Cold Stone Therapy

The innovation of introducing hot and cold therapy to the wellness and aesthetic industry has its ancient roots as far back as the 19th century.

Doctor Sebastian Kneipp introduced a method that allows the body to become stronger through thermal and mechanical effects.

The temperature of our skin is such that making it reach different temperatures, different sensations and reactions will be produced by introducing hot and cold.

by the 21st century we introduced hot and cold stone therapy used to affect the body’s nervous system, it reacts by influencing the gastric and  hormone secretions.

The stimulus will also travel to a related organ or other destination in the body, cold stimulates and hot slows internal activity.

The alternative use of hot and cold stones  changes on the cellular level, by use of vaso-dialation and constriction. De-congestion of an area is achieved.

This method is highly recommended for LMTs , body workers or anyone involved in the health care field.  If you would like additional information on how to relieve migraines with this hot and cold therapy please send me a comment.

For more information please visit my website

By: Sonia Alexandra